Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, Level Two: Mind & Meditation

Conquer the mind and you will conquer the world. The mind is the problem yet within it is the solution. This is the opportunity for an in-depth exploration of the mind, its functions, facets and projections. Learn to recognize your own tendencies and experience the meditations that transform the mind into a truly great and helpful servant of your soul. The meditative mind provides the means to be still, intuitive and creative.

This course will help you to:

• Tap deeper into the wealth of Kundalini Yoga teachings
• Be part of a community and nourish the inspiration to offer others the chance to learn and grow together
• Strengthen your connection to the Golden Chain
• Build more sense of community amongst your peers
• Take the teachings into the world on a deeper level
• Excellence is acknowledging your own divinity and guiding others to realize it within themselves
• Find and wake-up your Meditative, Neutral Mind, clear your subconscious Negative Mind and re-train your Positive Mind
• Deepen your Suni-ae, ability for deep listening and silence

YOUR GUIDES AND TRAINERS ON THIS TRIP: Hari Krishan Singh (Lead Trainer; Germany/Netherlands) and Charanpal Singh (Professional Trainer; Finland). Hari Krishan is a very experienced trainer, who is a professional in bringing the teachings to real life. His light, yet profound way of delivering the teachings is unique combination of good ense of humor and deep wisdom. Charanpal has a charismatic presence and a deep connection to mantras and Naad, sound current. Charanpal‘s strength lies in a deep understanding of both people and the practice. Both of the Trainers bring knowledge, wisdom and experience that makes it easy to apply the teachings to everyday life. And most of all, they sincerely strive to create an experience of safety, inclusion, community and growing group consciousness.

VENUE: The venue is Knipnäs Center for Wellbeing in Ekenäs, Tammisaari, Southern Finland. About 100 km from Helsinki airport. More info about the venue: https://knipnas.fi/en/center-for-wellbeing/ This environment guarantees us a peaceful and close-to-nature space for our practice and learning process.

PRICE: 1.320 Euros including Teaching, Manuals, Food & Accommodation (in shared rooms with 2-3 beds) and Vat.

ENROLMENT & INFORMATION: Please contact Kavalya Priti Kaur (Linda Lönnqvist): kavalyapritikaur(at)gmail.com for more information and enrolment.

BINDING ENROLMENT latest by the 1st of November (1.11.) 2024.

Welcome! SAT NAAM

  • Date : 5 December 2024 - 10 December 2024
  • Time : 10:00 - 17:00 (UTC+2)
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